A-Cat Spain: Mar Menor Regatta 2025

-Report sent b Juan Muro / ADECAT
A-Class España, Mar Menor Regatta 2025
On March 22nd and 23rd, the Los Alcázares training regatta took place at the Centro de Alto Rendimiento in Murcia, with the support of the Federación de Vela de Murcia and Ayuntamiento Los Alcazares (Mar Menor). The event saw the participation of current world champions, Kuba Surowiec (Open) and Gustavo Doreste Blanco (Classic), along with competitors from Belgium, France, Finland, Czechia, and the UK.
With highly variable weather conditions, three races were completed on Saturday and four on Sunday. The winds increased from 12 knots to 20 knots, with gusts reaching up to 26 knots, and changes in direction, making it a very technical regatta ideal for training. Additionally, Kuba and Lada achieved impressive speed sprints, reaching 31.5 knots and 28.2 knots, respectively, in 22 knots of wind.
Prior to the regatta, sailors tested different masts, sails, and maneuvers to prepare for the start of the A-Class season in Europe. We can expect to see exciting developments soon.
Final Standings:
- Open:
- 1st: POL 41 – Jakub Surowiec (EXPLODER BRYT SAILS – Sponsor)
- 2nd: ESP 1 – Manuel Calavia Arias (Reial Club Marítim Barcelona)
- 3rd: ESP 19 – Juan Luis Páez Gutiérrez (Club Náutico Sevilla)
- Classic:
- 1st: ESP 72 – Gustavo Doreste Blanco (Reial Club Marítim Barcelona)
- 2nd: ESP 52 – José A. López (Reial Club Marítim Barcelona)
- 3rd: ESP 38 – Andrés Grau (SR. DAM – Sponsor / Real Club Náutico de Barcelona)
Complete results here
With this event, the A-Class continues to be more active than ever during this winter/spring season, solidifying its position as a constantly growing and high-level fleet.
Max speed recorded:


I just heard that my great sailing friend and former CEO of Hobiecat Europe has passed. May The endless oceans…
...Report was sent by an F18 Sailor, if you want Hobies reported send your own, we'll publish as usual. Cheers.
Looks like in your report the Hobies are not really present. Suggest to rewrite the article.
Thanks for the great report Wik. Great battle.
If I correctly read the results the overall winner this year is a Hobie16