F18 Worlds 2009: ‘Constructors’ Championship
Photo: Pierrick Contin
This is the F1(8) of catsailing and like the automobile championships we have a constructors ranking. If any still has a doubt of the even performance of different boats and the success of the Formula itself just take a look again to this table.
4 brands in the top 10 (add a 5th with the Capricorn after discards) and 6 on the top 20. Of course Nacra and Hobie have more quantity cause of their numerous pro teams.
Best analysis do to so far is Loday White Shockwave with highest efficient results percentage per number of boats presented at these Worlds, right now with two! boats in the top 10 with a 3rd and a 6th.
The Shockwave team is comprise of only 5 boats. If someone was doubting of the Shockwave performance, look no further.
Also Hobie and their new Wildcat are standing firm at the top matching the Infusions performance. Still much left to have a definite result, but good news for the class as a whole.
Complete results some posts below.
No | Sailno | Name | Boat |
1 | NED 7 | Heemskerk Mischa, Tentij Bastiaan | Wildcat |
2 | FRA 94 | Mourniac Jean-Christophe, Guyader Alexandre | Wildcat |
3 | FRA 111 | Morvan François, Vandame Mathieu | Shockwave |
4 | NED 3 | De Koning Coen,, Visser Thijs | Infusion |
5 | FRA 1169 | Besson Billy, Jarlegan Arneaud | Infusion |
6 | GBR 1111 | Rob Wilson, Lynch Marcus | Shockwave |
7 | FRA 9 | Vaireaux Moana, Petit Romain | Wildcat |
8 | AUS 8 | Ashby Glenn, Howden William | Wildcat |
9 | FRA 901 | Boulogne Emmanuel, Kervyn Tanguy | Cirrus |
10 | NED 1 | Macpherson Andrew, Derckson Herbert | Infusion |
11 | GER 203 | Sach Helge, Sach Christian | Infusion |
12 | NED 76 | Van Der Meulen Reindert-Jan, Knol Carina | Capricorn |
13 | CAN 101 | Ethier Louis-philippe, Loiselle Maxime | Wildcat |
14 | BEL 1 | Demesmaeker Patrick, Koopman Alexander | Wildcat |
15 | FRA 8 | Lamotte Benjamin, Amiot Benjamin | Infusion |
16 | GBR 1153 | Sunnucks William, Farren Simon | Infusion |
17 | GBR 1193 | Piggott Grant, Sinclair Andrew | Infusion |
18 | FRA 971 | Villion Julien, Viat Louis | Alado |
19 | NED 21 | Veenman Jorden, de Munck Mischa | Wildcat |
20 | FRA 1064 | Le Clainche Pierre, Joubert Antoine | Infusion |
I just heard that my great sailing friend and former CEO of Hobiecat Europe has passed. May The endless oceans…
...Report was sent by an F18 Sailor, if you want Hobies reported send your own, we'll publish as usual. Cheers.
Looks like in your report the Hobies are not really present. Suggest to rewrite the article.
Thanks for the great report Wik. Great battle.
If I correctly read the results the overall winner this year is a Hobie16