Multihulls 2016

Before selecting which cat, we’d better focus on keeping sailng at the Games first….
-by Nick Dewhirst Chairman United Kingdom Catamaran Racing Association
Dear Cat Fans,
There is now a serious risk that Sailing could be dropped from the Olympics
in the new era of competition between sports for limited slots. The ISAF
Annual Conference in Athens between 5th and 13th November is a good
opportunity to improve Sailing’s chances by introducing more
high-performance events including multi-hulls once more for 2016.

This is on its agenda because the Executive proposes that the decision be
brought forward to this year and the Events Committee recommends that the
Olympic Regatta includes a Mixed Multihull Event – a solution that we first
suggested in our 2008 Report.
However it also has many 5×2 submissions for one Event each for Men and one
for Women in five distinct disciplines – One Person Dinghy, Two Person
Dinghy. Keelboat, Multihull and Windsurfer.

These maximise telegenic high-performance boats and therefore TV revenues,
which may prove to be the decisive factor. They are also the most logical and
comprehensible for non-sailors.
Here is our new Report on this crucial issue. See for
background information on the last campaign and for
progress of this one.

Please express your views politely to your national representative(s) who will be at the
Conference. If you are unsure who they are then email us back letting us know the country you are from and we will pass on the details.

Nick Dewhirst
United Kingdom Catamaran Racing Association