Powder Innovation? ‘Apocalypse Snow’, 20 Years later
Image: ApocalypseSnow FB. The freezing temps on the North Hemisphere remind me of the snowboarding/skiing season. (while in the US they are experiencing -50° down here we are in the +40° …) Checking some videos I came up with the all ‘new’ powder designed snowboard from Nitro, the image of the board triggered in my head the memory of an incredible (at the time) french movie I saw in TV +20yrs ago , “Apocalypse Snow”, and I found it in Youtube in good quality: Check it here https://youtu.be/rbdUEOyryeg?t=6m42s and embedded below. Little background on the film here.
‘Innovation’: Funny how in several sports old design ideas come new again, and no better example than this 1986 from Burton vs the 2013 Nitro Quiver. For pure powder conditions this board should excel though. Board review at https://youtu.be/DyEmIuxiTG8