Moth Worlds 2024: Mattias Coutts crowned Champ

All images Suellen Hurling / Live Sail Die, more at Moth Worlds fb here

PredictWind Moth 2024 Worlds Final Day

Mattias Coutts took the legacy of his father and put it to good use. But genes alone wont get you a World Title, plenty of training with the NZ Youth squad payed dividends. Grabbing a Moth Foiling World Title is such a huge achievement so the kid can rest at ease now no matter what.

On the new foils devel we received info that the Class will restrict the metal components seen in latest Foil blades & wings. Seems 7,500us for a blade made no one happy, but in the other hand some say its better to have no rule at all, market will settle down in future this current high crazy costs. Either way the Moth Class has announced they will grandfather latest devels till Garda Worlds in July, and they will prepare a new rule set to restrict steel & Titanium foil components.

Lets see how this develop.

Complete results below, official web