F18 St Barth Catacup 2024: Day 1 Results

All images Pierrick Contin / Catacup 2024.

St Barth Catacup 2024, Day 1

Light winds today for the Prix DesignAffairs. 8 to 3 knots reported. Current World Champs continue their charge no matter the venue, the event or the conditions. Pablo Volker & Federico Polimeni won the long distance race completed today followed by Patrik Demesmaeker & Ollivier Gagliani, both teams Goodall Akurra.

Third place for Charles Tomeo & Dalton Tebo and fourth for Coly & Colman, both teams Nacra Evo.

Competitive fleet this year with a top ten filled with great sailors.

Photo galleries by Pierrick Contin: stbarthcatacup.com/fr/pages/Photos-2024/

Top ten below, complete results at official site here