Americas Cup 37th: Boat Boundary rules….

Two simple facts we´ve foreseen:

1- First AC75 Monohull foiler version was not a versatile platform and the foiling cats were better in the overall archimedean and foiling mode wind in the entire wind range range, from 5 to 30 knots. Many got mad on that simple common sense verified fact posted along Sail GP lift off speeds data.

Now the NZ head designers went for a lighter platform rule to maximize light wind performance “for weather not to decide the winner¨. Thus we were spot on on that remark on simple common sense fact seen by all.
Now the second cycle AC75 platforms look super refined and even more awesome weapons, too much systems in our view, but already we had that on the push button Foiling for the AC50s.

2- The second problematic aspect of the AC75 design was the extended foil arms configuration.
and the high chance of axing your opponent on a close Match Race duel.

Based on this second and also simple design feature fact, and with the impossibility of having a Monohull foiler without extended arms, for current AC edition they applied a safe Boat Boundary perimeter to the AC75, a virtual one that helm and crews cannot calculate on the fly while racing, as their calculated boundaries are as always visually represented by boat actual overall length/width.

Today Luna Rossa had about 3 penalties on just being too close while engaging on a great Match. Still YTube pic above was certainly dangerous but the other two were as first image. The ¨too close¨ penalty was a virtual one and only seen by the virtual limits displayed on the umpires screens, as we did not saw any extreme dangerous move by the Italians vs NZ putting their opponent at risk.
Its the name of the game, the AC75 its what it is, nature of the Beast. This rule is like implementing a boundary rule in F1 as wheels might touch when pilots push for tight racing situation at 300khm.

As a result of these penalties, which was the first full on and exciting race became a total frustration for ITA and for the rest if us following the excellent close action.

In short they need to remove this virtual boundary rule tomorrow, an Americas Cup Monohull that cannot, or its forbidden to engage in close Match Racing is pure nonsense.

Let these V2 AC75 weapons to race full bore & no limits imposed.

Full details go to Americas Cup official high quality web, with plenty of material:

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