A-Cat Austrian Nats 2024 Results

Next week the 2024 A-Cat Worlds will take place at Punta Ala with +180 partcipants. Stay tuned during the week for previews. Italians Nats being racing today at same venue.

Austrian Nats 2024 Regatta Photos by Maria Knoll/atterwind.info and report below sent by Stefan Hauer.

A touch of the Americas Cup at the Austrian Championship in the A-Cat class at Lake Attersee 28.08.2024 Seewalchen, Attersee, Austria –

Last weekend, the challenger for the 37th Americas Cup was determined off Barcelona. There was also a touch of the Americas Cup on Lake Attersee at the SCK off Litzlberg. The Austrian Championship was held in the A-Cat class. A boat class where foiling catamarans, i.e. catamarans that fly over the water, also sail against each other.

While no races could be sailed on Friday due to the prevailing light wind conditions, the wind god Aeolus meant better for the organizers and sailors on Saturday. With the rose wind typical for the Attersee, albeit only in a very light form, 4 races could be
sailed on Saturday and a valid Austrian championship was in the classification.

Bernd Greifeneder, A-Cat sailor and organizer of the regatta in his home club SCK to the regatta:
“Just in time for the start of the Americas Cup with foiling racing machines, we were able to bring the smaller but also foiling “A-Class” boats, which weigh only approx.

80 kg, to the Austrian Championship on Lake Attersee. We are delighted to have brought a great field of participants to the regatta course with 13 international boats.”
In addition to German and Austrian A-Cat sailors, three-time A-Cat world champion Scott Anderson from Australia also took part in the regatta and finished second overall.

He said after the race:
“I’m delighted that I was able to come back to the Attersee for an A-Cat regatta after a few years. Even though the wind was only between 5 and 9 knots, it was a close and exciting regatta.”

A worthy setting for the event was also the honor of the Olympic kiter (Kitefoil) Alina Kornelli, from the SCK, who received a badge of honor for special sporting achievements and gave the A-Cat sailors insights from the Olympic Games.On Sunday, the passage of a cold front meant that only one race was possible and victory in the Austrian A-Cat class championship went to Wolfgang Klampfer from
Wallersee (SCSW), second place to Andreas Pfurtscheller from Achensee (SCTWV) and third place to Thomas Vogel also from Wallersee (SCSW) Bernd Greifender draws a satisfied conclusion as an athlete and organizer:

“The event was a complete success and we are already thinking intensively about a continuation next year. My highlight is that both beginners and world champions can interact with each other and compete on the water in this ultra-modern boat class.
This video was also produced from a drone perspective with the support of atterwind.info.

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