F16 Worlds 2024: Rankin & White crowned Champs

Formula 16 Worlds 2024 Results

The Formula 16 Class keep working hard and selecting great venues for their main events. Lots of platforms racing: Viper, Falcon, Bimare, Nacra, BeFoil, Cirrus Q and more. Gill tell us they achieved to attract more youths and we think the F16s are a great performance platform to go later F18s or Nacra 17s.

You can also race more comfortably with your kids on an F16 as opposed to an F18 for ie and the versatility of racing solo its a perfect add on to get more boats.
51 boats present at Centro Vela Lario, Lake Como.

Title went to Emma Rankin & Beau White from Australia racing a Goodall Viper, giving they now European managed brand another World Title after Argies Volker-Polimeni won the F18 one some weeks ago.
Second overall for Le Chapelier & Bouedec, the former Class champs sailing the convertible BeFoil / 1D Sails and third spot on the podium for Michel Kermarek & Fanny Marelle.

The Class provided in the end plenty of photos and complete results pdf sheets.

All imaages by Renato Tebaldi / Centro Vela Alto Lario, full gallery here

Formula 16 fb page here
Formula 16 Class web: http://www.formula16.net/

Words by Gill de Bruyne: “We had good mixed conditions. 8 to 12 knots on day 1. 16 to 20 on day 2 and 12 to 16 yesterday. As always racing is incredible in the setting of lake Como and the AVAL club at Gravedona has the best hospitality.

We enjoyed a class pizza dinner Tuesday and a great Italian style dinner last night at the club with all the sailors. This mix of top end racing, an incredible social programme, our biggest fleet ever (52 boats from 10 nations), makes this the most successful event we have enjoyed so far. The future looks bright for the class! Today (Thursday) 2 more races are scheduled to get to the maximum of 12. Gill – BEL666

Final Results F16 Worlds 2024