F18 North Ams Raid Championships 2024

The annual Around PEC F18 regatta in Canada will be F18 Raid North Americans Championships for this 2024 Edition.
Official web aroundpec.com/index.php/2024-nor-around-pec-raid/
Mar 12 2024
Can F18 RAID Championship
NA F18 RAID Championship
Aug 2-6 2024 This is the 20th anniversary event.
Presented by the Ontario Racing Catamaran Association and Canadian F18 class
Location: Starting in Adulphustown, Ontario at the UEL campground which is east of Bath, Ontario. The course will be between Picton, Napanee, Kingston and Main Duck Island.
Around PEC is a 4 day long distance adventure race which is called a RAID. Each day the fleet will start in one location and sail to another. Each teams equipment will be moved by truck that we organise. It is designed so that a good club sailor can complete each leg.
Prince Edward County is an island in Lake Ontario. The area around Prince Edward county has a rich maritime history and some of the best freshwater sailing conditions in the world. This was in the area of the sailing events for the 1976 Olympics. French and English explorers plied the waters as early as the 1600s. The French established a mission in 1668. The United Empire Loyalists arrived in the area after the American Revolution and the land was surveyed and given out in parcels by King Edward III. Prince Edward was the son of King Edward.
Teams are welcome to come early to setup and no camping reservations are required. There are many things to do for non-sailing shore crew. Prince Edward County is a large tourist area with great beaches, restaurants and wineries. If you are coming early please let us know.
- Rules
1.1 The event will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS)
1.2 The International Formula 18 Class rules will apply.
1.3 Additional rules from the Sailing Instructions will also apply.
1.4 Boats or crew may be measured / weighed at any time before, during or after the event
- Communication
2.1 The official Notice Board will be on the following link: Notice Board
2.2 All boats shall carry a marine VHF radio
2.3 All crew members shall carry a cellular phone on their person with external power bank and with the Kwindoo tracking app on it and actively tracking. Each phone shall have a cell phone data connection. A phone that runs out of power will not be subject to a protest.
2.4 The Race committee will communicate to the fleet via VHF radio OR Whatsapp. Whatsapp is used because the distances might be too great for VHF radios. Open this link to join the Around PEC 2024 WhatsApp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/HiUfjOzgdCb7JwIDhTuL5W
2.5 Any communication devices may be used.
2.6 Kwindoo will be used as a communication tool for spectators. This will include race tracking and the RC will post notes or pictures. These posts are not race instructions.
Kwindoo site is here: https://www.kwindoo.com/tracking/37128-around-pec-2024?race_id=43268
- Eligibility
3.1 This Regatta is open to all beach catamaran sailboats with spinnaker with 2 crew.
3.2 Participants must show liability insurance
3.4 Participants must be 18 year of age or older.
3.5 Open class boats will use the SCHRS measurement system and no rating certificate is needed.
3.6 F18 class boats must comply with F18 class rules.
3.7 F18 Participants must be a member of their national F18 class association or the international F18 class association.
4.1 Registration: Teams need to fill out the registration form. Enquire about payment options. Payment must be received by June 1 to qualify for the early registration discount. Unpaid teams could be bumped from the registration list.
4.2 Registration is open until Friday Aug 2 at 5pm. In person registration is at the UEL campground.
4.2 Entry Fees:
$350 not including camping.
+$100 per team for registering after June 1st
-$100 if you bring a sponsorship worth at least $500
+$200 per person for 4 days of camping starting Friday. Additional camping fees are $50/person/day.
-additional fees are on the Registration form for t-shirts etc.
4.3 No refund of registration fees will be offered after July 1, 2024
Included in the registraton fees:
Race Committee, safety crew and event organisation
Usage of power boats and boat drivers for the race organisation and media.
Many volunteers and much time spent organizing the event
Transport of teams equipment to the various locations
Photography / media covering the event.
Awards dinner
4.4 There is a limited amount of space available maximum about 20 boats.
- Schedule
Friday Aug 2: Registration, measurement and equipment inspection. Arrive by 12 noon,
2pm Equipment checks
4pm Skippers meeting
5pm Registration closes
Sat Aug 3 12am First start, 2 races scheduled
Sun Aug 4 11am First start, 2 races scheduled
Mon Aug 5 11am First start, 2 races scheduled
Tues Aug 6 11am First Start. 1 race scheduled Award ceremony and dinner at 5-6pm
- Race format
Course will be published a few weeks before on Kwindoo.com
7.1 Up to 2 legs per day are scheduled
7.2 Sometimes there will be a place to come to shore between races.
7.3 The racing area will be between Napanee, Ontario and Kingston, Ontario
8.1 All competitors are required to wear a US Coast Guard (or the equivalent authority of the competitor’s home country) approved personal flotation device at all times while afloat, except for brief periods while adjusting clothing.
8.2 F18 class certification is highly desired but we will not be measuring boats. No schrs certificate is required. This is on the honour system. It is your duty to ensure your boat and crew are class legal.
8.3 See the Sailing Instructions for a complete list of equipment required.
9.1 RRS 44.1 is changed so that the Two-Turns penalty is replaced by the One- Turn Penalty.
9.2 Boats that are OCS will be penalized 3 x the number of seconds they are over early. OCS boats will not be notified at the start that they are over early. During scoring at the end of the day an analysis of each start on kwindoo will determine if a boat is over early.
9.3 A phone that runs out of power will not be subject to a protest.
10.1 Open class boats will be scored using SCHRS rating system.
10.2 Each leg will be scored 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.
10.3 There will be one throw out for every 5 races.
10.4 There is no time limit for boats to complete a race after the first boat finishes and no longer than 60 min later the next race of the day will start, unless the RC signals that there will be a delay. The first race will be stopped in Kwindoo in order to start the second race. Boats finishing after Kwindoo tracking is stopped must provide their own times. If a team finishes after kwindoo tracking stops and does not supply their finish time they could be scored DNF.
- Risk Statement
11.1 Competitors participate in the event entirely at their own risk, see RRS 3 – Decision to Race.
Each boat owner or team member accepts the terms on the entry form.
- Media
12.1 Photos and video of participants may be taken during the event and used for promotional purposes.
12.2 Boats may be required to carry cameras.
12.3 Competitors may be asked for interviews during the event for promotional purposes.
The Sailing Instructions are posted on www.aroundpec.com. The course will be available in Aug, 2024 through the kwindoo.com site.
Sailing is an activity that has an inherent risk of damage and injury. Competitors in these events are participating entirely at their own risk. See RRS 3, Decision to Race. The race organizers (Organizing Authority, race committee, protest committee, host club, sponsors, or any other organization or official) will not be responsible for damage to any boat or other property or the injury to any competitor, including death, sustained as a result of participation in this event. By participating in these events, each competitor agrees to release the race organizers from any and all liability associated with such competitor’s participation, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
I just heard that my great sailing friend and former CEO of Hobiecat Europe has passed. May The endless oceans…
...Report was sent by an F18 Sailor, if you want Hobies reported send your own, we'll publish as usual. Cheers.
Looks like in your report the Hobies are not really present. Suggest to rewrite the article.
Thanks for the great report Wik. Great battle.
If I correctly read the results the overall winner this year is a Hobie16