F18 Worlds 2023 @Travemünde Week: Dates & Registration

2023 F18 Worlds will be held within Travemünder Woche 2023. Dates will be July, Friday 21 to Friday 29.

Defending Champs Ravi Parent & Severin Gramm already registered.

Registration: here

Entries here

Travemunde week web travemuender-woche/

10.1 The event will be hosted at Travemuende, Germany.
10.2 The race office will be located at Priwall, 23570 Travemunde. Addendum
“Driving Map“ shows the location of the harbour.
10.3 The racing area will be Lubeck Bay, Travemunde, Germany. Addendum
“Race Areas“ shows the location of the race areas.
10.4 The distribution of berths and pitches for campers, caravans and tents
can be found on the event website: https://www.travemuender-woche/

8.1 Registration for competitors, coaches and team leaders:
Friday, 21 July 2023 09.00 – 18.00 hrs
Saturday, 22 July 2023 09.00 – 18.00 hrs
Sunday, 23 July 2023 09.00 – 12.00 hrs
Each boat may be required to select online a time slot for registration.
The registration may only be online. More information will be published
on the website https://www.travemuender-woche.com.
8.2 Equipment inspection
Friday, 21 July 2023 09.00 – 18.00 hrs
Saturday, 22 July 2023 09.00 – 18.00 hrs
Sunday, 23 July 2023 09.00 – 12.00 hrs
8.3 Competitors Meeting
Sunday, 23 July 2023 12.00 hrs
8.4 Practice Race
Sunday, 23 July 2023 14.00 hrs
8.5 Races:
Monday, 24 July 2023 11.00 hrs
Tuesday, 25 July 2023 11.00 hrs
Wednesday, 26 July 2023 11.00 hrs
Thursday, 27 July 2023 11.00 hrs
Friday, 28 July 2023 11.00 hrs
8.6 A maximum of 15 races overall will be sailed. A maximum of four (4) races
may be sailed each racing day.
8.7 Closing Ceremony Friday, 29 July 2023 after races
8.8 On the last scheduled day of racing no warning signal will be made after
16.00 hrs, except as a consequence of a General Recall.

Complete NOR below & Page 10 in PDF attached:

F18 World Championships

Organizing Authority: Travemünder Woche gGmbH in conjunction with
IF18CA and GER F18
General management: Frank Schärffe (LYC)
Jens Kath (LYC)
Hosting Saling Clubs: Lübecker Yacht-Club e.V. (LYC)
Norddeutscher Regatta Verein (NRV)
Zürcher Yacht Club (ZYC)
Deutscher Seglerverband e.V
Event Website: https://www.manage2sail.com,

Principle Race Officer: Anderl Denecke IRO, GER (LYC, MYC, ZYC)
Chairman Protest Committee:
Gonzalo Heredia, IJ, ARG
The notation ‘[NP]’ in a rule means that a boat may not protest another boat for
breaking that rule. This changes RRS 60.1(a).

  1. RULES
    1.1 The event is governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing
    1.2 RRS Appendix T, Arbitration, applies.
    1.3 [DP] RRS 40.1 applies at all times while afloat.
    1.4 If there is a conflict between languages, the English text will take precedence.
    The Sailing Instructions will be available on the event website (https://www.travemuender-woche.com/race/noticeboard.html) or on https://www.manage2sail.coml from one week before the start of the event.
    3.1 The official notice board is located on https://www.manage2sail.com
    3.2 [DP] While racing, except in an emergency, a boat shall not make voice
    or data transmissions and shall not receive voice or data communication that is not available to all boats.
    4.1 Competitors shall comply with World Sailing Eligibility Code (Regulation 19).
    4.2 Each crew member shall be a member of their National Class Association
    or, in countries where there is no NCA, of the IF18CA.

    4.3 Each competitor shall be a member of a club affiliated to his national
    authority of World Sailing.
    4.4 To be considered as Female, each crew member shall be female.
    4.5 To be considered as Master, each crew member shall be born before 01
    January, 1973.
    4.6 To be considered as Youth, each crew member shall be born after 31
    December, 2000.

    4.7 To be considered as Family, the crew members shall be 1st degree relatives.
    4.8 Competitors under the age of 18 shall present a signed and completed
    parent or guardian consent and declaration form at registration. Forms
    can be downloaded from the event website www.travemuender-woche.

    4.9 Eligible boats may enter the event by completing the online entry form
    at the event website www.travemuender-woche.com until 03 July
    2023 and pay the required fees. The organizers shall be authorized to
    collect the entry fee electronically. The Organizing Authority may accept
    late entries until 20 July 2023. Late entries will be charged an additional
    4.10 To be considered an entry in the event, a boat shall complete all registration
    requirements and pay all fees.
  5. FEES
    5.1 Entry fees are as follows:
    Early entries registered and paid before 05 June shall be entitled to a
    reduced entry fee of EUR 400 (U23-Teams: EUR 300) per boat.
    The entry fee shall be EUR 450 (U23-Teams: EUR 350) per boat registered
    and paid until 03 July.
    The entry fee for late entries registered and paid after 03 July shall be
    EUR 550 (U23-Teams EUR 450).
    5.2 The entry fee shall be paid upon entering, even if the entry is cancelled
    later or the boat does not show up. The entry fee is non-refundable, except
    for the event or class being canceled by the organizing authority or
    if the entry is rejected.
    5.3 The entry fee includes benefits listed on the event website.
    5.4 For entering the online system at www.travemuender-woche.com shall
    be used.
    6.1 Boats may be required to display advertising and bow numbers chosen
    and supplied by the organizing authority.
    6.2 If bibs are provided by the organizing authority, while racing, competitors
    aboard the boats ranked first, second and third in the series at the
    beginning of that day, shall wear yellow, blue and red bibs respectively.
    6.3 Advertising for alcohol or tobacco products in direct or indirect form on
    the boat and on the person is prohibited for youth classes by German
    racing prescriptions 14.
    7.1 If a class consists of 80 or more entries, the organizing authority may
    split the fleet. Split fleets will sail a qualifying series and a final series.
    Competitors will be divided into fleets based on the NCA rankings and
    reassigned to new fleets after each day of racing, provided that the
    fleets have completed the same number and at least the first 2 races in
    the qualifying series.
    7.1.1 If a minimum of six races has been completed in the qualifying series,
    the final series will commence on the next day of racing. If a minimum
    of six races has not been completed, the qualifying series will continue
    until the end of the next racing day when a minimum of six races and a
    maximum of eight races has been completed. After the qualifying series
    has been completed, the final series will begin.
    7.1.2 If at the end of the qualifying series some boats have more race scores
    than others, scores for the most recent races will be excluded so that all
    boats have the same number of race scores.
    7.1.3 Final series:
    Boats will be assigned to the gold and silver fleets if necessary. Fleets
    will be formed of nearly equal size based on the boats ranking in the
    qualifying series. The gold fleet will not be smaller than the other fleets.
    8.1 Registration for competitors, coaches and team leaders:
    Friday, 21 July 2023 09.00 – 18.00 hrs
    Saturday, 22 July 2023 09.00 – 18.00 hrs
    Sunday, 23 July 2023 09.00 – 12.00 hrs
    Each boat may be required to select online a time slot for registration.
    The registration may only be online. More information will be published
    on the website https://www.travemuender-woche.com.
    8.2 Equipment inspection
    Friday, 21 July 2023 09.00 – 18.00 hrs
    Saturday, 22 July 2023 09.00 – 18.00 hrs
    Sunday, 23 July 2023 09.00 – 12.00 hrs
    8.3 Competitors Meeting
    Sunday, 23 July 2023 12.00 hrs
    8.4 Practice Race
    Sunday, 23 July 2023 14.00 hrs
    8.5 Races:
    Monday, 24 July 2023 11.00 hrs
    Tuesday, 25 July 2023 11.00 hrs
    Wednesday, 26 July 2023 11.00 hrs
    Thursday, 27 July 2023 11.00 hrs
    Friday, 28 July 2023 11.00 hrs
    8.6 A maximum of 15 races overall will be sailed. A maximum of four (4) races
    may be sailed each racing day.
    8.7 Closing Ceremony Friday, 29 July 2023 after races
    8.8 On the last scheduled day of racing no warning signal will be made after
    16.00 hrs, except as a consequence of a General Recall.

    9.1 Each boat shall produce or verify the existence of a valid measurement
    9.2 [DP] Boats shall be available for equipment inspection during the times
    stated in NoR 8.2. During the scheduled time for equipment inspection
    and event measurement no initial (first) measurements will be performed.
    9.3 Each boat may be required to select online a time slot for measurement.
    More information will be published on the website https://www.travemuender-
    9.4 Boats may be inspected at any time.
    9.5 The weight of crew and boat has to comply with Class Rules C.3 and C.6.
    9.6 Equipment shall only be replaced with permission of the Technical Committee.
  10. VENUE
    10.1 The event will be hosted at Travemuende, Germany.
    10.2 The race office will be located at Priwall, 23570 Travemunde. Addendum
    “Driving Map“ shows the location of the harbour.
    10.3 The racing area will be Lubeck Bay, Travemunde, Germany. Addendum
    “Race Areas“ shows the location of the race areas.
    10.4 The distribution of berths and pitches for campers, caravans and tents
    can be found on the event website: https://www.travemuender-woche/
    11.1 Courses will be described in the Sailing Instructions.
    12.1 RRS 44.1 and RRS P2.1 are changed so that the Two-Turns penalty is replaced
    by a One-Turn penalty.
    12.2 An international jury will be appointed in accordance with RRS 91(b). The
    right of appeal from an International Jury decision is denied as provided
    in RRS 70.5.
    13.1 Four races are required to be completed to constitute a championship.
    13.2 In case of no qualifying series:
    a) When fewer than 6 races have been completed, a boat’s series score
    will be the total of her race scores.
    b) When 6 to 11 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be
    the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.
    b) When 12 or more races have been completed, a boat’s series score
    will be the total of her race scores excluding her 2 worst scores.
    13.3 In case of qualifying series:
    13.3.1 The scoring system will include both qualifying and final series results.
    13.3.2 A minimum of 6 races are to be completed to constitute the Qualifying
    series. If 6 races are not completed, the Qualifying series will be extended
    to complete them, up to a maximum of 8 qualifying races. When fewer than six qualifying races have been completed, a boat’s
    qualifying series score will be the total of her race scores. When six or more qualifying races have been completed, a boat’s qualifying
    series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst
    13.3.3 A qualifying series race will not count until all qualifying series fleets
    have completed that race.
    13.3.4 Final series:
    The final series starts the first day after qualifying series are completed. When fewer than 6 final races have been completed, a boat’s final series
    score will be the total of her race scores. When 6 or more final races have been completed, a boat’s final series
    score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.
    13.3.5 To establish the final results, the boat’s qualifying series score (as per
    NoR 13.3.2) will be added to the boat’s final series score (as per NoR
    13.3.4). Gold fleet will be scored higher than Silver fleet independent on
    the numbers of races in each fleet. In case of minimum six completed
    qualifying races and no final series races, the final results will be based
    on the qualifying series results alone.
    13.4 RRS Appendix A5.2 and RRS 44.3 (c) are changed as follows: the scores
    will be based on the number of boats of the largest group in the series.
    14.1 All support boats shall be registered with the organizing authority and
    are required to comply with local legislation and event support boat regulations
    as published on the event website. The organizing authority
    may refuse registrations and accept later registrations at their sole discretion.
    14.2 Registration fees are as follows: EUR 100
    14.3 While afloat support persons shall always wear personal flotation devices,
    except briefly while changing or adjusting clothing or personal
    14.4 The drivers of support person vessels shall always use the kill cord while
    the engine is running.
    14.5 The race committee may use VHF for race information.
    14.6 Support person vessels shall be insured with valid and for the racing
    area suitable third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of
    3.000.000 EUR per incident or the equivalent.
    Boats shall be kept in their assigned places while in the boat park or harbour.
    16.1 Upon registration to the event competitors agree that photos and videos
    may be taken of their person and used as part the organizing
    authority’s public relations activities, e.g. via websites, newsletters,
    print and tv media and social networks. In addition, competitors or their
    guardians grant to the organizing authority without compensation the
    unlimited right to use images, photographs, television and radio material
    produced of them during the event.
    16.2 Boats may be required to carry cameras, sound equipment and positioning
    equipment as specified and supplied by the organizing authority.
    16.3 The top three competitors as well as the individual race winners may be
    required to attend a media press conference each day.
    16.4 Competitors may be required to be available for interviews at the event.
    17.1 The organizing authority will process and store personal data collected
    from entering and participating in the event. Addendum “Data Privacy
    Policy” gives relevant information and details. This addendum is available
    under https://www.travemuender-woche.com
    17.2 Digital communication and organization of this regatta
    17.2.1 In order to achieve an optimal organization of this regatta, we use the
    software EVPlaner (www.evplaner.de) for organization and communication
    control. You agree to your registration data (name & e-mail address)
    being transferred from Manage2Sail to this software.
    17.2.2 To improve communication during the regatta we use the messaging
    app ownChat (www.ownchat.de). You agree to us sending you an invitation
    to use this app by e-mail. The use of ownChat is free of charge and
    not obligatory. In the interest of the best possible flow of information
    during the regatta, we encourage you to make use of this offer. This will
    save you trips to the notice board or frequent checking at Manage2Sail.
    All relevant information concerning the regatta is sent directly to your
    mobile phone via ownChat.
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