F18 Arg @Mar del Plata Sailing Week 2023

All images Marina Devo / Flor Gonzalez Alzaga / Matias Capizzano / SYI 2023
Complicated 4 days at Mar del Plata this year for the F18 fleet. First day Thursday 30knots Southerly, blown out. That brought a huge South Swell and the next day a SO make perfect combo for breaking waves all over the local spots, including some banks and the Port entrance, making impossible conditions to go out.
3rd day a bit less wind but still breaking waves and the guys had some hairy moments going and entering to Port, some capsized in the worts spot, but luckily no one was hurt or boat damaged. Two races completed in harsh seas 4mts waves.
Yesterday finally light south breeze came in for the F18, Finn and J70 fleet to complete 4 races. Opti, Laser, 29er and the other Classes already raced two weeks ago in same venue.
In the end Agustin Krevisky & Juan Martín Benitez (Scorpion / 1D / SI Spi) prevailed over Juan Pablo Sucic & Juan Cruz Benitez (Scorpion / Landy DS / Nacra Spi). Third overall for Cruz G Smith & Mariano Heuser, the triple consecutive World Championship podium having tough local competition. 8 boat fleet with 3 more Phantoms and a Nacra Inf. Mar del Plata is an awesome venue, but not a place for rookies with strong winds & waves.
The guys told me they experienced their most freaky moments ever on an F18, and many have raced Texel, North Sea, St Barts and many other locations World Wide, Mar del Plata is for sure a special and challenging ocean course. There is a reason US Opti kids travel each year to race there.
Local fleet keeps getting tight in the top spots, and many eager to travel to Travemunde Worlds 2023.
I just heard that my great sailing friend and former CEO of Hobiecat Europe has passed. May The endless oceans…
...Report was sent by an F18 Sailor, if you want Hobies reported send your own, we'll publish as usual. Cheers.
Looks like in your report the Hobies are not really present. Suggest to rewrite the article.
Thanks for the great report Wik. Great battle.
If I correctly read the results the overall winner this year is a Hobie16