F18 Raid Worlds 2022: Registration Open

A Classic event in the F18 and one regatta you have to do at least once. The Archipelago Raid 2022 Registration is now open and will the event to define the F18 Raid World Championship 2022. Photos: Stockholm Archipelago Raid past editions.
Find below NOR sent by Lars Linden, plus info on the Raid. Official web www.stockholmarchipelagoraid.com
F18 Raid World Championship
15th to 21st of August 2022
Version 1.0
Latest updated 2022-04-11
The Stockholm Archipelago Raid is a mix of sport, nature and adventure in the perfect F18-playground; the stunning Stockholm Archipelago. The archipelago consists of 36.000 rocks, skerries and islands and offers spectacular scenery and limitless possibilities for exceptional courses between the Check Points (CP’s) on islands, buoys, light houses and beaches.
Each day the fleet typically sails between 50 and 100 NM depending on the winds. It is tight, intensive racing between CP’s during daytime, sometimes with an early start. After the race there is often time for a sauna and a beer before dinner. Since all sailors eat, live and share an adventure together for a couple of intensive days, the raid is a very social event, even if the competition is also present during races.
Raids has been organized by the Swedish F18 Association under different names since 2010, for example Raid Revenge. Before that, from 2001 to 2009, Atlant Ocean racing organized the Archipelago Raid, an extreme race from Stockholm to Finland and back. Many sailors from all over the world has participated since 2001. All winners since 2001 can be found in the F18 Hall of Fame https://www.f18-international.org/hall-of-fame/
Notice of Race F18 Raid World Championship 2022
Dates: 15th to 21st August 2022
Location: Saltsjöbaden/Stockholm, Sweden
Boatclass: Formula 18
Organizing authority: The Royal Swedish Yacht Club in cooperation with
The Swedish F18 Association
- Rules
1.1 The event will be governed by the rules as defined in the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) and with appendix S. The sailing instructions will consist of the instructions in RRS Appendix S, Standard Sailing Instructions, and Supplementary Sailing Instructions that will be on the Official Notice Board located at www.stockholmarchipelagoraid.com
1.2 The International Formula 18 Class rules will apply.
1.3 RRS 31 applies only at starting marks.
1.4 While racing, boats shall not enter areas declared by local government or other regulations as forbidden to enter, forbidden to pass or otherwise. These areas are obstructions as defined in the RRS Definitions.
1.5 RRS 40.1 will apply at all times while the boat is afloat and on the water. A boat breaking this rule may be warned or penalized at the discretion of the protest committee.
1.6 Special safety regulations and recommendations are listed in Addendum A.
1.7 Boats may be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing authority. The area on the boats allocated for the event partners are:
• The bow inside and outside (front third part of the hull, approximately 1,80 m)
• The jib
• The bottom 1/3 of the mainsail (approximately 2,80 m from the bottom)
1.8 All boats may be required to display identification numbers.
1.9 Subject to the approval of the Race Committee, a boat chartered or loaned for the events may be declared at the time of entry or registration a sail number which may be different from the registered number of the hull provided that the number declared shall not be the sail number of any other boat competing in the regatta. - Communication
2.1 The online official notice board will be located at https://www.stockholmarchipelagoraid.com/ONB-2022 2.2 All boats shall carry a VHF radio capable of communicating on CH 16, and CH 67-77. 2.3 On the water, the race committee will make courtesy broadcasts to competitors on VHF radio. The channel will be stated in the SIs. - Eligibility requirements
3.1 The event is open to eligible boats of the International Formula 18 Class Association.
3.2 All competitors shall be members of their respective National Formula 18 Class Association. When there is no National Class Association in their country they shall have their entry endorsed by the International F18 Class Association.
3.3 The person in charge shall follow the rules for racing license as decided by the Swedish Sailing Federation. Competitors from other countries than Sweden are exempt from this requirement.
3.4 The person in charge shall be minimum 18 years of age at the date of the start of the race. Competitors under 18 years of age shall present a signed and completed parent (or guardian) consent and declaration form at registration.
www.stockholmarchipelagoraid.com - Entry
4.1 Boats may enter the event by registering online at the Official Notice Board at www.stockholmarchipelagoraid.com not later than the 7th of August 2022.
o Registering by fill in the Registration form and enter requested information about the team.
o At the check-out pay a Registration fee of 2 000 SEK to complete your registration.
4.2 Entry fees per team
o The entry fee is 11 000 SEK before the 1st of June 2022.
o The entry fee is 13 000 SEK from the 1st of June 2022 to the 1st of August 2022.
o Youth teams (both helm and crew shall be under 26 years of age) get a 2 000 SEK discount on the entry fee.
Entry period
Registration fee
Entry fee
Total price
Paying entry fee prior to 1st June
2000 SEK
11 000 SEK
13 000 SEK
Paying entry fee post 1st of June
2000 SEK
13 000 SEK
15 000 SEK
Youth teams
2000 SEK
9 000 SEK
11 000 SEK
4.3 Included in the entry fee:
o Accommodation in cabins/rooms.
o Breakfast and dinner each day during the race.
o Race Committee, safety crew and event organisation.
o Speed boats and boat drivers for the race organisation and media.
o One boat to carry teams personal equipment, food and other gear.
o One boat for spare parts.
o Photography / media covering the event.
o Prices and medals.
4.4 To be considered an entry in the event, a boat shall complete all registration requirements and pay all fees.
4.5 Reimbursements:
o The Registration fee is generally not reimbursed. However, if a team has paid the Registration fee and is for any reason not accepted to participate, the whole amount will be reimbursed.
o If a non-Swedish team has paid the entry fee but is not able to participate due to special rules due to Covid-19 that prevents the team from travelling (closed borders, quarantine-rules etc) the entry fee will be reimbursed.
o If a sailor is injured prior to the race and cannot participate and cannot find a replacement, he/she shall immediately inform the Organising Committee and present a medical certificate. The entry fee will then be reimbursed until the 1st of August 2022. After this date there is no possibility for reimbursement.
4.6 A maximum number of teams are allowed to participate for security and logistical reasons. The maximum number of teams is 35. - Registration and equipment inspection
5.1 Registration will open 15th of August at 13.00 hrs at the Race Office in Saltsjöbaden. The following documents shall be provided online before registration:
o A valid Measurement Certificate.
o Verified membership for both sailors of their respective National or of the International F18 Class Association.
o Insurance including liability.
o A completed Start declaration form, including Safety Inspection Protocol.
5.2 All boats will be inspected, weighing included, for compliance with class rules and the regatta safety rules.
5.3 A boat or equipment may be inspected at any time during the regatta for compliance with her certificate, class rule, Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions. - Schedule
6.1 Programme
Monday 15th of August, KSSS at Saltsjöbaden
13.00 – 18.00 Registration
15.00 – 19.00 Measurement and equipment inspection
Tuesday 16th of August
09.00 – 16.00 Registration
10.00 – 18.00 Measurement and equipment inspection
17.00 Speedboat from Hundudden to Saltsjöbaden for drivers of trailers
19.00 Welcome ceremony and team briefing
Wednesday 17th of August
~ 10.00 Start, 2 legs
Dinner and accommodation at Rånö
Thursday 18th of August
2 or 3 legs
Dinner and accommodation at Lökholmen, Sandhamn
Friday 19th of August
2 or 3 legs
Dinner and accommodation at Fejan
Saturday 20th of August
2 or 3 legs
Dinner and accommodation at Nässlingen
Sunday 22nd of August
~ 8.00 Start 2 legs
The Race Committee will plan for finish at 15.00 at KSSS guest harbour at Vasahamnen in Stockholm City. Price giving ceremony approx. 30 minutes after last boat finish (or later pending protests).
Possibility to shower and change clothes. Food and drinks next to the finish.
Possibility to get boats towed to Hundudden, to the trailers, as soon as possible after the price giving ceremony. - Race format and courses
7.1 Up to 13 legs/races are scheduled.
7.2 The Raid consists of 2-3 legs/races per day with short pauses to eat, drink and repair boat etc between the races.
Each evening the preliminary course/courses for the next day will be published to the sailors online and on a physical Notice board. The course description will include the Check Points (CP) to be rounded or passed, and additional information concerning the course. The CPs will be presented at the Team briefing.
7.3 The Race Committee can decide to shorten a leg for boats arriving to a CP in order to shorten the time between the first and last the boat. The boats will then get a visual signal or a voice message to skip a CP or go directly to the finish line without passing the last CP/CPs. - Racing area
8.1 The Raid takes place in the Stockholm Archipelago, east of Stockholm City. The Stockholm Archipelago stretches about 80 Nm from North to South and 40 Nm from West to East. It constitutes of roughly 36 000 islands, skerries and rocks.
8.2 The Base Camps are the places where the competing teams and race organisation can get a rest each night with good food and drinks, a sauna and a place to sleep.
Race area 4400 km2 Illustrated race course ~300 Nm - Protests and penalty systems
9.1 RRS 44.1 is changed so that the Two-Turns Penalty is replaced by the One-Turn Penalty.
9.2 In addition to RRS 64.2, the Protest Committee may penalize a boat by deducting the boat´s score for a leg, but not more than the equivalent of “did not start”.
9.3 Before a protest hearing, a boat may acknowledge having broken a rule of RRS part 2, except rule 14, by accepting a 6 points scoring penalty in the leg/race concerned. - Scoring
10.1 A high point scoring system will apply. The boat which has accumulated the most points at the end of the Raid wins. If 6 legs or more have been sailed, the worst score of each boat will be discarded.
10.2 The first boat of a leg will get points equal to the number of boats starting in any of the legs +5. The second boat gets 1 point less, the third boat gets 2 points less etc.
10.3 The Race Committee may decide to shorten a race for the last boats arriving to a checkpoint in order to shorten the time between the first and the last boat. A race can be shortened for the last boats in the race by taking away one or more CPs and letting the boats continue racing directly to the Finish Line. It can also be shortened by setting a new Finish Line at the actual CP for the last boats in the fleet.
The boats sailing the shortened course will be placed after all the boats having sailed the original course. They will also get a 2 points penalty for not having sailed the complete course.
10.4 A boat that does not finish a leg (DNF, RET, NSC) gets 2 points.
10.5 A boat that does not start a leg (DNC, DNS, OCS, UFD, BFD) or is disqualified in a leg (DSQ, DNE) gets 0 points.
10.6 If there is a tie between two or more boats, appendix A8 will be applied.
10.7 The race committee will make no changes to the results 24 hours after the last race as provided for in RRS 90.3e. - Prizes
11.1 The regatta winners will obtain the title “2022 Formula 18 Raid World Champions”.
11.2 Prizes will be awarded in the following categories, subject to entry numbers:
• Overall
• Female team – both crew shall be female
• Mixed team
• Youth team - Risk statement
12.1 Competitors participate in the event entirely at their own risk, see RRS 3 – Decision to Race. The Organizing Authority, Royal Swedish Yacht Club KSSS, Swedish Sailing Federation, Swedish F18 Association, International F18 Association, the PRO, the Race Committee, the International Jury, the Technical Committee, the volunteers, and any other party involved in the organization of the event will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction with or prior to, during, or after the event. Each boat owner or his representative accepts these terms by signing the entry form. - Insurance
13.1 Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance of at least 200 000 Euro. - Media rights, cameras and electronic equipment
14.1 By participating in this event competitors grant to the organizing authority and their sponsors, the right in perpetuity to make, use and show, from time to time at their discretion, any photos or any motion pictures and live, taped or filmed television and other reproductions of the athlete and boat during the period of the competition without compensation.
14.2 Boats may be required to carry cameras, sound equipment or positioning equipment provided by the Organizing Authority.
14.3 All competitors may be required for interviews at the regatta.
9 April 2022, Stockholm Håkan Anderson, International Race Officer
Addendum A – Safety Regulations
A1 Mandatory equipment on each boat:
A1.1 1 fully functional waterproof marine VHF in trampoline pocket, lower part of mast or similar to be accessible also when capsized.
A1.2 1 red parachute flare and 2 red hand-held flares attached under trampoline or behind either beam for easy access when capsized.
A1.3 1 towing line, minimum 15m * 8 mm with stretch (not a halyard or similar). Class rule stipulates 15m * 6mm which will also be allowed, but not recommended since it can snap when many boats are towed one after the other.
A1.4 1 paddle, at least 120 cm, for example attached to boom using shock cord.
A1.5 1 First aid kit (containing as a minimum sterile gauze dressings, bandages, plasters in a variety of different sizes) in a waterproof bag available on trampoline (not stoved away in the hull).
A1.6 1 knife attached to boom and 1 on the Dolphin striker for use when capsized
A2 Mandatory equipment on each competitor:
A2.1 A dry suit or a wet suit worn at all times.
A2.2 1 mobile phone in waterproof pocket.
A2.3 1 Life jacket and whistle.
A2.4 1 red hand-held flare or 1 waterproof flashlight with strobe function attached to life jacket.
A3 Allowed and recommended equipment
A3.1 1 knife attached to life west of each competitor.
13.2 A GPS with plotter and relevant charts.
A3.3 A camel back or equivalent up to 3.0 liters on each competitor (does not count as water ballast systems)
A4 Other equipment
A3.3 A personal locator beacon (PLB) or AIS on each competitor or on the boat may be used and is recommended. If carried, personal identification data shall be registered to the race Safety officer.
Addendum B – useful information
Help with measurement
A boat that is not properly measured or lack the measurement papers to show it is class legal can get help to get the boat or equipment measured. This need to be notified well in advance and no later than the 1st of August by contacting the responsible measurer and book a time on the 19th or 20th of August for the measurement to take place on site at KSSS.
List of Checkpoints
All teams will receive a list of the coordinates for the Checkpoints about one week prior to the race in order to be able to upload them into a GPS with plotter to facilitate navigation. It is strongly recommended to have a GPS with plotter and relevant charts on the boat.
Personal luggage
Each sailor is allowed to bring one bag of maximum 10 kg (typically 30 – 45L) to the assisting boats. The bag shall be waterproof meaning it can be submerged under the water for at least 10 minutes without leakage.
Figure 1: Waterproof bag <10 kg (30 L) and small onboard bag for first aid, VHF etc.
Make sure to keep other clothes and gear to a minimum in order to keep weight under 10 kg and fit it all in a waterproof bag. The supporting motorboats have limited load capacity and heavier bags will be refused.
The following is a suggested packing list:
• One set of clothes both for chilly nights and sunny weather
• Bath towel
• Chargers and/or batteries to mobile phones, VHF and GPS incl extra power strip since only one outlet per team can be guaranteed each night.
• Toothbrush, blinder and anti-snoring ear plugs
• Anti-mosquito product and sun factor
• A head light/flash light for early start preparation.
• Sleeping bag + pillow cover (to fill with clothes to use as a pillow)
In addition each team may bring (if they prefer not to sleep in cabins) one light weight 2-man tent + two sleeping pads in a see through plastic bag. No other gear can go into the plastic bag.
Onboard equipment
The following gear is recommended to carry onboard each boat during racing:
• “Camelback”, maximum 3.0L per sailor is allowed and will not be considered as water ballast systems.
• Energy bars and extra water/liquid enough for a full day’s sailing.
• Waterproof bag in hull for extra clothes during the day Small tool and repairkit, for example tape for hull damage, chock chord, shackles, Dynema etc.
• Pocket with string for seachart + waterproof pen.
• Repair kit
All teams are strongly encouraged to use on board cameras and to share their films with the media teams to be used for film production. The organizing authority may also mount a camera (Go-Pro or similar) on any boat during the raid.
Common equipment for all teams
There will be a big, common toolbox where the teams can put tools, repair kits, plastic padding etc. that can be needed during the race (mark your gear with your name). All tools in this toolkit will be available to all teams so that only one set ot each tool has to be brought. Sail repair kits that can be used by everyone should also be brought along in the common toolbox.
However, a repair kit with tape, cords, ropes, shackles and special gear could be brought by each team themselves on their F18 to be able to carry out quick repairs on the water during the race.
Extra dagger boards, sails and other spare equipment should also be coordinated so that not all teams have to bring their own gear. In case of breakage the owner of a spare part lends it to the team in need and owner/lender agrees beforehand on terms of the loan.
I just heard that my great sailing friend and former CEO of Hobiecat Europe has passed. May The endless oceans…
...Report was sent by an F18 Sailor, if you want Hobies reported send your own, we'll publish as usual. Cheers.
Looks like in your report the Hobies are not really present. Suggest to rewrite the article.
Thanks for the great report Wik. Great battle.
If I correctly read the results the overall winner this year is a Hobie16