Stockholm Archipelago Raid 2021: Registrations are Open
Yet another event with green light, things are starting to look better in Europe. Worlds in Italy already with 70 entries. Sadly in Australia situation is not the same in terms of borders opening for 2022 and Worlds might be held in Garda next year where the Europeans are scheduled.
Below data for the 2021 Stockholm Archipelago Raid send by Lars Linders
Regustration here
Join the adventure. Registration just opened.
Registrations for the Stockholm Archipelago Raid 2021 just started. In the first hours 12 teams from Great Britain, Sweden, Germany, Denmark, and Finland signed up. The cap is set to 30 teams.
Course and Base Camps
The start and goal will be in Saltsjöbaden and the base camps will be on the beautiful Islands of Nässlingen, Fejan and Sandhamn/Lökholmen.
The base for the event will be KSSS at Saltsjöbaden (1) and the base camps will be Nässlingen (3), Fejan (2) and Lökholmen (4). The race area covers 3000 square kilometres of wilderness with eagles, seals and other wild life just outside the capital of Stockholm.
Race course area for the raid 2021
Preparation and gear
Coming prepared with the right equipment can often be the difference between making it to the finish line or not. In terms of navigation sailors need to be acquainted with their GPS and be confident that it works in the very wet and difficult conditions of an F18 raid. Mandatory and recommended equipment is listed in the Notice of Race.
Some useful tips to the sailors:
• Bring food for lunch breaks for all 4 days (not catered for) + energy bars or similar to be able to eat while sailing.
• Put your VHF in a cover and have it on the boom.
• Make sure your mobile phone cover is water tight. Make sure that the mobile battery lasts the whole race.
• Bring camel backs with some sport drink and take small sips all the time.
• Make sure you have tested your GPS device and know it works in wet conditions with wet fingers and over extended period of times. Bring an old GPS as a spare in case it breaks.
In addition each sailor is allowed to bring one waterproof bag of maximum 10 kg (typically 30 L) on the assisting boats. One common tool box and spare will also be available on one of the assisting boats.
Covid-19 situation and mitigations
Hopefully the vaccination programs and the increasing temperatures in the northern hemisphere will slow down the pandemic outbreak. However all necessary precautions will be made in order to make the event safe for all participants.
Lars Linder
Swedish F18 association
I just heard that my great sailing friend and former CEO of Hobiecat Europe has passed. May The endless oceans…
...Report was sent by an F18 Sailor, if you want Hobies reported send your own, we'll publish as usual. Cheers.
Looks like in your report the Hobies are not really present. Suggest to rewrite the article.
Thanks for the great report Wik. Great battle.
If I correctly read the results the overall winner this year is a Hobie16