Worrell 1000 2021 Still On

Photo: Worrell 1000 fb. Info below sent by Beverley Simmons on behalf Worrell 1000 Race 2021
Worrell 1000 Race 2021
Worrell 1000 2021 Still on, COVID be DAMNED! And with THAT…a special announcement…
In this crazy time we’re all in, your Worrell 1000 Race OA and volunteers are still meeting (virtually!) and solidifying plans for the 2021 event. We extend our best wishes to all of you and hope that we come out on the other side of this, unscathed and hitting the tiller under fresh breezes!
With that said – we would like to announce a very special award that will make its debut in 2021 & be a perpetual part of our event.
We all know a sailor or two who have helped us in our journey to be better at & on our craft – those that selflessly offer their advice, their expertise, their wisdom and capable assistance. We saw this exemplified last year with Brett White from Team Australia – tirelessly helping EVERY team with repairs (often WELL into the wee hours of the morning), always with a smile and plenty of words of encouragement. And we, as the Worrell Team, felt that recognizing folks like him should be the norm. So – with the permission of a very special lady’s family – we have created:
The Sandra Tartaglino Memorial Sportsmanship Award
For those that knew Sandra, she was a world class competitive sailor, well known in the high-performance racing world as one of the few female skippers of Formula 18s, even serving as USF18 Class Treasurer. A true lover of multi-hulls, she raced in several classes including Nacra 6.0s, Hobie 16s, Nacra 17s and more – Including the Worrell 1000, for which she competed with various skippers over numerous years. Her passion as a skipper included a special gift for educating many a willing student. Her competitive spirit and love for sailing was and still is, inspiring. She was the kind of soul that picked up everyone around her. The world lost a very special person in Sandra after a tragic boating accident on Narragansett Bay, Sunday, August 11, 2019.
To honor her, for each Worrell 1000, the OA and Race Committee will determine an honoree and announce them at the awards ceremony. A perpetual trophy will have their name proudly engraved and they will receive a plaque of recognition to keep. The trophy will be displayed at every Worrell awards banquet from now on. And although we are not the 1st to honor our friend Sandra – we are proud to be counted among those who have and still do.
Fair winds, safe sailing – See you next May!
“The Worrell 1000 Race” is an offshore long-distance beach catamaran sailboat race to be held in May 2021 in the Atlantic waters between Florida and Virginia Beach, VA. The race will cover approximately 1000 miles with overnight stops at multiple locations along the East Coast of the United States. Learn more at:
I just heard that my great sailing friend and former CEO of Hobiecat Europe has passed. May The endless oceans…
...Report was sent by an F18 Sailor, if you want Hobies reported send your own, we'll publish as usual. Cheers.
Looks like in your report the Hobies are not really present. Suggest to rewrite the article.
Thanks for the great report Wik. Great battle.
If I correctly read the results the overall winner this year is a Hobie16