Stunt 9 new Jib ‘Turbo’ package
Michele Petrucci decided to maintain current S9 mast / main sail area and a jib package to the S9. To keep previous S9s under the same conf is a good move, adding a jib on a single handler should be worth only on the added perf if any. Michele reports his experience racing at Vele di Pasqua vs other Cats. One thing is certain leaving any performance comparison , the S9 in above video looks super smooth, providing easy / stable foiling taken to the extreme.
Comments from Michele: “This past weekend we had the first races for the new S9 Class. We had seven S9s on water , plus some Tornado , Hobie 16 and A-Cats in the same event .
Wind was too light, 3-7 knots , good conditions for the A-Cat in floating and flying mode , but when wind was up to 5 knots the “S9T” was faster downwind.
Upwind it was better no to foil with 5 to 7 knots of wind as the pointing angle was very bad , so we prefer to use floating mode for that wind range.
In 6-7 knots the S9 has almost same performance than an A-Cat upwind.
Quite happy on the new jib , still much tuning and setup left. This was only he third time we tested the new Turbo kit on the S9 , so I’m sure that we can make better in future.
When wind increased , S9 showed really great performance. Many people liked the boat , and told us they want joint the new class.
Sailors from Moth , A-Cat , and F18 competed on this first S9 regatta and all have find this boat to be really cool and many are thinking to join us.
Above video of me and flying A cat in downwind , 5-7 knots.
S9 versus foiling A-Cat , really ligth wind , more deeper and faster.
On second movie the team UK show a foiling jibe , test sailors are from 49er and skiff , thay was on boat only 30 minutes:
I just heard that my great sailing friend and former CEO of Hobiecat Europe has passed. May The endless oceans…
...Report was sent by an F18 Sailor, if you want Hobies reported send your own, we'll publish as usual. Cheers.
Looks like in your report the Hobies are not really present. Suggest to rewrite the article.
Thanks for the great report Wik. Great battle.
If I correctly read the results the overall winner this year is a Hobie16