A-Class Worlds 2017 @Sopot: Registration Open
Video from Sopot 2016 local regatta , all images Sopot Worlds Org – In 2016 the Class went to Medemblik, home for Dna, and in 2017 IACA has selected Sopot in Poland as the venue for this year A-Cat major event, which is home sailing waters for Exploder, and the Polish Armada. Jacek Noetzel , Tymek Bendyk, Marcin Badzio , Kuba Surowiec among others young guns are raising the level every year, as seen in 2016 season. Jacek is also organizing the Worlds.
As a preview, Mischa continues as favorite with his Dna F1, Ashby participation might be possible as the regatta will be after Bermuda. The Exploder team will aim high for their first title and Jakub will not have to travel thousand miles with a dozen platforms this time around. Brewin & Bundock plus Jacek & Tymek will be D3 top riders and from Spain Manolo Calavia is confirmed to participate.
Manolo was 3rd at Punta Ala and will be one to watch closely.
In terms of development and technique we’ll see a gap on those foiling upwind, right now flying to windward is paying above 11/12 knots, in that range those not being able to foil will be relegated as in the past we saw with downwind foiling in light winds ( Ashby & Mischa , Punta Ala 2015).
Equipment is slowly stabilizing, Dna F1 still use 2014 Zs, and last year D3 Z10 boards are still the proven ones.
Dagger case position continues to move forward but builders have found a limit on its overall efficiency. What we’ll see is maybe some rig development other gadgets I’ve seen from several builders, but foiling upwind technique will be the key asset to win the Worlds at Sopot. A-Class is on the verge of full foiling and what we are seeing here and feedback from abroad, A-Cats are slowly catching Moths in the overall performance fo course racing vmg.
Below dates & Schedule , official web, NOR and registration link.
A-CLASS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 2017 19-26 August 2017, Sopot – Poland Organized by UKS Navigo Sopot (OA) in conjunction with Polish Yachting Association (PYA) and International A-Division Catamaran Association (IACA).
– Registration Link aclassworlds2017.pl/test/index.php/2017/02/26/worlds-registration-is-open/
– Complete NOR available at aclassworlds2017.pl/test/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/NoR-A-class-Worlds-2017.pdf
5.1. Races and events are scheduled as follows:
Date Time Event
19.08.2017 09:00-18:00 Registration
20.08.2017 09:00-12:00 Registration
15:00 Practice Race
21.08.2017 12:00 Fleet Racing
22.08.2017 Fleet Racing
23.08.2017 Fleet Racing
24.08.2017 Fleet Racing
25.08.2017 Fleet Racing
18:30 Price Giving & Closing Ceremony
26.08.2017 Reserve Day
I just heard that my great sailing friend and former CEO of Hobiecat Europe has passed. May The endless oceans…
...Report was sent by an F18 Sailor, if you want Hobies reported send your own, we'll publish as usual. Cheers.
Looks like in your report the Hobies are not really present. Suggest to rewrite the article.
Thanks for the great report Wik. Great battle.
If I correctly read the results the overall winner this year is a Hobie16