Nacra 17 MKII Foiling version: Delivery dates announced
Photo left: Nacra 17 production foil by Nacra Polska. – To see how the new board fits check the renders I made some months ago here. Boat above is also featuring Nacra F20FCS rudder system, which were tested by Olympic sailors in Netherlands. Those winglets are huge for the Nacra 17, lets see if they end using the same system or adapt to the new specific blades/winglets shown in MM/Nacra presentation.
In the mean time, there is a Ongoing Learning program from the Netherlands, where fleet members can sail the foiling boats. There are three functions of the learning sessions. The first is to push the boats with the hopes of revealing any improvements that remain outstanding and can be put into the boats in production. The second is to get teams a chance to do some foiling before the boats are ready. The third is to allow teams interested the class to get a look at what the full foiling future looks like.
There is a schedule of learning sessions published.