Dutch Dragoon Cup 2016: October 8-9 @Catclub Zeeland

Annual Draggon Cup info sent by Kees Krijger
Details below, more info in dtuch at  catclubzeeland.nl/dutch-dragoon-cup-89-oktober-2016
Catclub Zealand is organizing the 7th Dragoon Dutch Cup on 8 and October 9, 2016. This is an educational and fun weekend, suitable for both beginners and experienced youth sailors. It has become Europe’s largest event for Hobie Dragoon sailors.

Youth sailors are trained while racing (& learning). Between each race ample time is taken by to evaluate. At the same time the event does have a ranking and there will be prizes awarded for both the Dragoon class as the class C3 (Hobie 16, Hobie Max, SL16, Nacra 500 etc).

All associations are invited to bring their own trainer (s), private speedboat is convenient. There is a head coach in place to coordinate everything. The Veerse Meer is very sheltered, so there can be sailed in all circumstances. The sailing is done directly for the association.


Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 Registration and build boats

11:00 Coaches talk
12:00 Skipper Meeting followed by waloefening (parents leave)
12:30 The water at lunch follows after 1st game
18:00 Departure for the Kruitmolen followed by supper
20:00 evening program
08:00 Reveille and breakfast
09:30 The water on
12:00 Lunch
15:30  Award ceremony

Catclub Zealand Muidenweg 221 Wolphaartsdijk. Map https://g.co/maps/dag4w