Photo left will become a classic: Jay Glaser & Matt Strubble, one is a Master Sailmaker, who also developed the first deck sweeper sail with Pete Melvin and the other is the Nr 1 North American sailor.
Still guessing what Matt can achieve with his own designed & built platform, now with new Glaser sails against Ashby, Mischa, Brewin, Manolo and the rest of the pack present at Punta Ala.
But the current US scene is not all about latest developments. Older or floating boats are sharing the lineups and the US Class keeps pushing to integrate sailors from all levels or budgets with the known separated rankings, which again is the right way to handle current fast development times.
Below Bill Vining points out some good deals on local boats and builders alternatives for the North American sailors to join the A-Class.
Report by Bill Vining:
“Time for all to get an Acat and get ready for our winter season in Florida. There are lots of great boats on the market now for all price ranges from fully foiling to entry level boats.
Our last regatta a LLSC saw a mix of foilers and classic boats at every point in the standings:
As the most recent big regatta proves, you don’t need a foiler to compete, and we are committed to making racing fun and fast for all boats. Whatever your price range, now is the time to jump into the class.
A few of the notables from website are:
Need foiling gear? Call Emmanuel Cerf. He has rudders, foiling boards and curved booms all in stock now. He also has some C boards and straight rudders. Ho Ho Ho. Santa loves carbon fiber.
Jeff Meyers has Fiberfoam mast for sale. He’s a tough negotiator so start your bidding low. He can be a Grinch, see if you can melt his heart.
Are you a Right Coaster? Bruce Edwards has a 2015 DNA for sale in Santa Cruz. He has decided to compete for Contender worlds, so he wants to go slow. You can go fast if you call him.
I am going to upgrade to an Exploder so, my well loved, very experienced EVO 2 is up for grabs – Cheap! I have a Hall tapered mast, a Cogan sail, 2 sets of rudders with winglets, C boards plus a set of experimental CL boards that I can throw in(or not) if you want to experiment. This boat foils with the C/L boards and the class has agreed to include experimental boats in non National events for the next 2 years. Be a mad scientist. Glue stuff together. Buy my Poster!
Plus Bach Wilson is making sealed tramps. His first exploder tramp came out very nice. He’s perfecting a deck sweeper sail. Give Bach a call if you need a tramp or a sail.
Jay Glaser and Matt Struble are on their 4th iteration of the deck sweeper. We are all looking forward to seeing the west coast as powerhouse of Acat development with one of the best sail makers in the US and the current national champ working together.
Call or write Bailey White, el Predente for more info or unbiased opinions on boats, sails and gear.
I just heard that my great sailing friend and former CEO of Hobiecat Europe has passed. May The endless oceans…
...Report was sent by an F18 Sailor, if you want Hobies reported send your own, we'll publish as usual. Cheers.
Looks like in your report the Hobies are not really present. Suggest to rewrite the article.
Thanks for the great report Wik. Great battle.
If I correctly read the results the overall winner this year is a Hobie16