Italian Sailing Federation recognizes the UACC
Sent by Lallo Petrucci & UACC
“With the approval of the request for affiliation by the Italian Sailing Federation (FIV) decided during the last federal council it was officially recognized the newborn Unione A-Classica Catamarani (UACC), class association that gathers inside all owners of catamarans Class A-Classic .
The catamaran A-Classic is a rethink, with a box rule more restrictive, of the already known Class A, a boat that it has had over the years a remarkable expansion in the world thanks to a very open regulation and therefore to large differences between boats and materials, which could develop without restriction except for the measures of the boat, the sail area and weight.
Just the opening of this regulation has led in recent years to a revolution inside the class, still in progress, which will bring with good chances the A-Class to become in a short time a class of boats full foiling.
It is precisely because of this revolution that a group of fans of catamarans and sailing
decided to create and develop this new class of catamarans A-Classic, with the ultimate goal to put at the center of the competition the sailors and give due weight to boats that, because of the continuous changes are raising its prices exponentially making it more effective the financial aspect than the sailing skills.
The main new feature of the A-Classic Box rule is indeed the categorically elimination of the possibility to create and race with boats that allow the flight, are in fact prohibited appendages that allow the foiling, this because according to the vision of the founding members the foiling , as spectacular and fun, will take away from the races some of the most exciting features, as the tactics and strategy, focusing sailors in the difficult conduction of the boats.
However, the changes introduced by U.A.C.C. Are not limited to the boats, some big news will be introduced also in the races, both on land and at sea, there are going to be shorter and fought races (average duration 35 minutes), the discards will start from the fourth race and can be raced up to four regattas per day. Also it is expressly written in the class rules that will be organized the races, in compliance with the safety standards, in close proximity to beaches or installations that allow to follow the racing to the public, thanks to the involvement of speakers and djs commenting the race live and involving the public.
The class has had considerable interest from many sailors
from the beginning, not only from Italy, in fact, from its birth in December 2014 already includes nearly 50 members, among them there are some big and well-known names in the world of catamarans and sailing, as the two-time Olympic in Tornado Francesco Marcolini, the Italian team member at the 2003 Little America’s Cup Teo Di Battista, former Tornado and Nacra 17 sailor Vincenzo Sorrentino, the two-time bronze at the European university Championship Riccardo Mellina Gottardo and many other sailors who now will have the chance to race on equal terms with each other, in fact, from now on even older boats can compete and, if well conducted, beat newer boats, which over the years will be able to maintain competitiveness and price, thanks to this, and to the closure of its box rule the U.A.C.C. Aims to attract in its races younger sailors or enthusiasts of monotypes and one-design that will finally find a catamaran that meets their tastes and habits.
The racing calendar has already been set and has decided to focus on locations that besides being good for racing are also suitable to attract carers and families of the athletes, in all locations, it was decided to give in hand the organization to prestigious clubs that are willing to support the innovative idea of the class in the organization of the races, the schedule will be as follows (all the races are open):
May 9/10 – San Benedetto del Tronto – L.N.I. San Benedetto – I National Regatta
June 12/14 – Marina Di Pietrasanta – Nimbus Surfing Club – Italian Championship
July 18/19 – Lago Di Bracciano – Compagnia della Vela Roma – II National Regatta
29/30 August – Bellaria Igea Marina – C.V. Rio Pircio – III National Regatta
The U.A.C.C. is already very active on the internet with its own site ( and Facebook (UACC Union A-Classical Catamarans) and Twitter (AclassicUacc) pages on which the members and fans can always stay up to date on news and activities.
La Segreteria U.A.C.C.
I just heard that my great sailing friend and former CEO of Hobiecat Europe has passed. May The endless oceans…
...Report was sent by an F18 Sailor, if you want Hobies reported send your own, we'll publish as usual. Cheers.
Looks like in your report the Hobies are not really present. Suggest to rewrite the article.
Thanks for the great report Wik. Great battle.
If I correctly read the results the overall winner this year is a Hobie16