1st F18 Americas Continental, @Sarasota Sailing Squadron, FL
Image Practive Race from Monday. Racing starts tomorrow Tuesday. 56 Boats registered. Entry list here. Two Arg boats present.
Official website https://www.2013f18americas.com
FB facebook.com/2013F18AmericasChampionship
21 Oct Monday 1355 Practice Races
22 Oct Tuesday 1155 Warning signal Day 1
23 Oct Wednesday 1055 Warning signal Day 2
24 Oct Thursday 1055 Warning signal Day 3
25 Oct Friday 1055 Warning signal Day 4
26 Oct Saturday 0955 Warning signal Day 5
I just heard that my great sailing friend and former CEO of Hobiecat Europe has passed. May The endless oceans…
...Report was sent by an F18 Sailor, if you want Hobies reported send your own, we'll publish as usual. Cheers.
Looks like in your report the Hobies are not really present. Suggest to rewrite the article.
Thanks for the great report Wik. Great battle.
If I correctly read the results the overall winner this year is a Hobie16