Formula 18 Nordics 2013
Little bit late but I’ve totally immersed with the AC, although I didn´t received any report at the moment, so I went looking for one. F18 going strong at Vikings Land. Thanks to Niklas Hjelm for the shout and Petter Karlberg for the report. All images Mattias Hammar. Full album at CSN FB.-
Report by Petter Karlberg: “The Nordics became what we all had dreamed about when we started it 3 years ago and had a very successful premier in Norway.
Last year we were in Finland and had a great battle too and this year it was time for Sweden to have the honour to host the event.
This edition we managed to get all Nordic nations represented for the first time.
Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark (except Iceland.. that I don´t know if there is any F18 activity on at the moment, will work on that! ; )
We also had some friends that came up from Germany and joined the party.
We had a great and good fun 3 days adventure in excellent conditions and with a mix of 2 days of course
racing and a long distance race on the last day were we participated in the classic race Tjorn Runt.
Tjorn Runt is one of the biggest races in Sweden with more that 400 mixed boats on the starting line and the course is set to round the Island Tjorn.
This year it was the 50 years anniversary also, so we felt that we wanted to cheer them up with some F18 action too.
The weekend started with moderate winds that build up on the second day to become tricky with a steady breeze of 20+ knots and gusts up to 30 knots.
There were a lot of boats crashing and parts breaking but no injuries so we were all good.
The conditions looked a little bit scary for the upcoming Tjorn Runt on the last day with a still strong breeze and with more open sea.
But the wind stabilized and we all had a fantastic historical moment of our lives.
Sweden managed to keep the title and we are proud to congratulate the new Champions Fredrik Karlsson and Niklas Nordblom.”
/Petter Karlberg
(Former Nordic Champ with Magnus “The God” Lövden in 2012.. ; )
Petter didn´t put it but is the guy behind . Thanks Petter for the Report!
I just heard that my great sailing friend and former CEO of Hobiecat Europe has passed. May The endless oceans…
...Report was sent by an F18 Sailor, if you want Hobies reported send your own, we'll publish as usual. Cheers.
Looks like in your report the Hobies are not really present. Suggest to rewrite the article.
Thanks for the great report Wik. Great battle.
If I correctly read the results the overall winner this year is a Hobie16