3eme Raid l’Espace: Report & Results
Sent by Benoit Daval — Club racing at its best !
“Optimum conditions for this 3rd Raid de l’Espace: 39 boats (from small Tyka up to F18) nice breeze and blue sky. As some said on the parking “we have St Barth’ in November and now St Mart’ in April: it is as good, maybe just not as warm…!)
The F18 division was dominated by the Nacra squad from Jullouville.
F.Walhain/T.Pelissier won 4 races over 5 on the Saturday so they were in a strong position before starting the long distance raid on Sunday. But only 3 points separated the Lesguillier brothers, 2nd on their Nacra MKII, from the 5thplace, so on Sunday, several crews tried hard their chance.
The Lapasset (father and daughter) had a great start on their C2, but V.Levionnois/V.Renouf (Nacra MKII, Jullouville) lead brilliantly for most of the race, with local Diam3 of B.Daval/O.Thélot chasing hard close behind them. Walhain/Pellissier were not far away and eventually managed to pass the 2 leaders on the last reaching leg, thanks to prefect boat handling.
Note that some 1st generation F18 designs (including a 1996 Tiger, a 97 Hawk, a 98 Cobra, and a 2000 Cirrus) were racing hard in the middle of the fleet, allowing some young crews with low budget to have fun and enjoy great close racing.
The kids on the smaller boats sailed no fewer than 8 races. Local SL16 champions Q.Laporte/R. Leveque won the 15-16 footers division and now look forward to switch to F18 for next edition in april 2014!
Image courtesy of our favourite photograph Guillaume Godier (guillaumegodier.fr), with gallery available on his website https://www.guillaumegodier.fr/galleries/nautisme/raid-de-lespace-2013/
Vive le Cata de Sport, vive le Raid de l’Espace and See you next year!”
Full Results and photos on www.raidespace.over-blog.fr
Groupe Formule 18 après 6 courses (dont 4 retenues.)
1: Fabrice Walhain / Thierry Pelissier (Nacra, C V de Jullouville) 4.5 points
2: Maxime Lesguillier / William Lesguillier (Nacra, C V de Jullouville) 9.5 points
3: Vincent Levionnois / Vincent Renouf (Nacra, Avis de Grand Frais Jullouville) 12 points
Groupe Plus de 15 pieds après 8 courses (dont 6 retenues.)
1: Raphael Levesque / Quentin la Porte (SL16, Centre Permanent de la Cote Ouest) 10 points
2: Guillaume Laisney / Annie Hostingue (Dart18, Espace Voile Brehal) 12 points
3: Paul Dasi / Amelie Moncuit (SL16, Centre Permanent de la Cote Ouest) 14 points
Groupe Moins de 15 pieds après 8 courses (dont 6 retenues.)
1: Alizee Lelong / Estelle Beauvillain (Y C Dielette) 7 points
2: Antoine Charodie / Augustin Lebouleux (Y C Dielette) 11 points
3: Manoe Niaux / Wilfried Noel (Centre Permanent de la Cote Ouest) 18 points
I just heard that my great sailing friend and former CEO of Hobiecat Europe has passed. May The endless oceans…
...Report was sent by an F18 Sailor, if you want Hobies reported send your own, we'll publish as usual. Cheers.
Looks like in your report the Hobies are not really present. Suggest to rewrite the article.
Thanks for the great report Wik. Great battle.
If I correctly read the results the overall winner this year is a Hobie16