F18 Arg pics by Matías Capizzano
Photo: Matías Capizzano
Photo: Matías Capizzano
Photo: Matías Capizzano
Photo: Matías Capizzano
Photo: Matías Capizzano
Photo: Matías Capizzano
Photo: Matías Capizzano
Photo: Matías Capizzano
All photos Matías Capizzano – www.capizzano.com
Matías is the renowned photographer of the famous Optis flying in huge waves in Mar del Plata in 2008.Check the quality of the images, how crisp and detailed they are, truly one of the best sailing photographers around.
Always shooting the classic monohull classes in Argentina until we bring the F18 class, now he has something a ‘little’ more interesting to portrait, and it seems he is liking the ride…
More pics from Matías of past F18 race weekend here.
Capizzano detona!!!
Amazing shots, in every class!!!