St Patrick’s Day
My mother in law, Isa Kiernan, once gave us this well known Irish blessing on a frame that I really like, and is now at home:
“May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And the rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand”
Like Australia and USA this country was made by immigrants, here mostly Italian and Spanish, but also Irish, and from several other european countries, majority of roman catholics.
Argentine Navy was founded by an Irish man too: Admiral William Brown,
and Mrs Kiernan is married to a highly renowned hero and Navy Jet Pilot Commander…
So all just good excuses to say ‘Happy St Patrick’s day’
…beer day also here in Buenos Aires,
photo Matias Capizzano – Fragata Libertad – Arg Navy
…May the wind be always at your back…
I just heard that my great sailing friend and former CEO of Hobiecat Europe has passed. May The endless oceans…
...Report was sent by an F18 Sailor, if you want Hobies reported send your own, we'll publish as usual. Cheers.
Looks like in your report the Hobies are not really present. Suggest to rewrite the article.
Thanks for the great report Wik. Great battle.
If I correctly read the results the overall winner this year is a Hobie16